Eric Minton

Writer | Editor 
Project Manager 

The Writer

We'll skip over the newspaper I published when I was 8 years old, had a circulation of four (my parents and two brothers), and lasted one issue. My professional journalism career began when I was 15 covering high school sports for the Bordentown (N.J.) Register-News. With that April 18, 1974, debut, I've had more than 1,200 assigned articles published by 104 newspapers, magazines, and websites. I've written copy for travel brochures and government publications, and produced two websites including
In addition to sportswriter, my writing career labels include music critic, travel writer, disability activist, and professional roller coaster rider. The spectrum of topics I've covered also includes the military, business management, health, and entertainment, and I'm a regular contributing writer for Professional Photographer magazine.
My work has earned a Folio Award, a Jessie H. Neal Award, and a National Easter Seal Society EDI Award.

The writer's top priority

Every time I take on a writing assignment, my focus remains on the article's audience, which comprises three entities.

    1. The people reading the published piece, which ranges from the general public to a particular shared-interest demographic. It's about providing content holding specific value to the targeted readership.
    2. The individuals I'm writing about, which requires being accurate with information and presenting quotes in their intended, contextual meanings. It's about fairness.
    3. The publication's editor, which means understanding exactly what the editor expects and meeting the assigned article length and deadline, keeping the editor informed of challenges to both. It's about repeat business.

Magazine spread of story with headline "DOn't Look Away" and photograph of South Vietnamese soldiers scurrying to unload supplies from a helicopter with its blades still running

Professional Photographer
March 2023
"Don't Look Away:
Recognizing the Work of Vietnam War
Combat Photographers 50 Years Later"

(Links open PDF)

Folio Award for Excellence in Journalism (Eddie Award) 2023
Single Article, Association / Nonprofit, Professional / Membership Association

Editor's Note
"Eric saw the opportunity to convey a historical perspective to you while commemorating the work that U.S. combat photographers did in the Vietnam War. His experience as a military spouse and senior advisor to the U.S. Vietnam War Commemoration came together with his understanding of PPA and its members to bring an unforgettable story."
Jane Gaboury, Director of Publications,
Professional Photographers of America


Magazine spread with a close up of two hands shaking, one that of a service member wearing battle camoflage uniform, the other a metalic prosthetic in a clear vinyl glove and a blue sleeve. Bakgtround is a line of military members in battle camoflage uniforms holding USA flags

Professional Photographer
March 2024
"Feeling the Love:
Jeremy Lock Sees Beauty in Everything

Subject's Post 

"Eric took the time to get to know me! He really listened, transcribing my passions, purpose, and thoughts perfectly from multiple conversations. ... Eric cared, truly capturing the essence of who I am, and I am very appreciative of our common interest in our fellow human beings. This is by far my favorite interview I have ever done!"
Jeremy Lock, Professional Photographer

Award-Winning Work

(Links open PDFs)